20 Camping Items to get from the Dollar Tree
When it comes to buying camping gear, I’m usually a proponent of using high quality gear that you’ll be able to reuse over and over again. However, sometimes when it comes to price and convenience, Dollar Tree is just the clear winter. If you don’t want to invest in a ton of camping gear, or are just trying to see if camping is right for you, the Dollar Tree can help you get a bunch of camping gear that you will need for your next trip! They are cheap and sometimes just as good as the more expensive products! Here are 20 camping items to get from The Dollar Tree.

I have basically spent my entire life camping in Oregon. That means that I am used to camping in the beautiful, typically mild summers, but you better believe I have camped during my fair share of rainy weekends. I am well aware of how quickly stuff can get wet and muddy. Because of this, and because you all know how much I love saving money, I totally love using the Dollar Tree as my go-to spot for supplies when I’m heading out camping in Oregon.
20 Camping Items to get from The Dollar Tree
Whether you like to boondock in the National Forest, or hit up the amenity filled campgrounds to go tent or RV Camping, Oregon is (in my opinion), one of the best places in the world to go camping. This list of camping to get from the Dollar Tree is great, plus it helps keep the costs down on your awesome budget friendly vacation!
Table Covers
Camping is messy and as we mentioned before, camping in Oregon at least, can get very wet. I always make sure to bring along several of these Plastic Table Covers so that I can just pick it up off the table (along with all of the messes on it). Plus, I am a big believer in leaving no trace behind and that includes food messes on the table. I don’t want the next camper to have to deal with our ketchup spills!
Dish Supplies
Yes, I will be suggesting disposable dishes, but there are some things that you are just going to have to use such as pots, pans and cooking utensils and you want to be able to clean them, right? That’s why I’m always sure to grab Dish Soap and a Plastic Dish Pan for our camping trips.
Oh, yay. I still get to do dishes when on vacation.
Okay, I’m going to get real for a second. I love me a good Dollar Tree deal, but my husband is a flashlight junkie and would never be caught dead with anything less than a Streamlight or similar quality flashlight. That being said, I like to keep some cheaper lights around like these Camping Lights and Tactical Flashlights on hand. I like to leave lights on when it is dark to make it easier for the kids to see and let’s get real here. I have a 4 year old son. I would much rather have him running around with a $1 flashlight than his dad’s $50 flashlight.
Food Storage and Prep Items
One of my favorite things about camping is the FOOD!! Is being a camping foodie a thing? These are the food prep and storage items that I always stock up on at the Dollar Tree:
Foam Plates (nope, not gonna wash all the dishes at camp. I go disposable for plates, cups and silverware)
Plastic Food Container (good for storing food in the cooler.
Aluminum Foil (during camping trips, I often use aluminum foil for cooking on the grill or over the fire)
Bamboo Skewers (I love a good shish kabob, especially during camping trips)
Camping Supplies
The following supplies are needed on every camping trip:
Duct Tape (I mean…duct tape is needed in every part of life, right?)
Wooden Clothespins (clothespins are great for many things at camp!)
Carabiner Clips (carabiner clips are great for holding down tarps and connecting ropes and bungee cords)
Utility Lighter (Make sure you don’t forget the lighter for your campfire or grill.)
Rope (Rope is a must have for tying down tarps, tents, etc.)
Multipurpose Clips (These clips will be handy for closing up food bags, laundry bags, or just to help keep your supplies together.)
Trash Bags (Be sure to take all of your trash out of the camp with you. Trash bags are also great for storage dirty laundry.)
1 Gallon Water Jug (Dollar Tree has gallons of water, which is a must have for your trip.)
Plastic Storage Bags (It’s easy for your clothes and other camping gear to get wet or dirty when you are camping, be prepared with these storage bags.)
Health and Beauty
Toothbrush Covers (You still need to brush your teeth while you are at camp. These toothbrush covers help you to keep your toothbrush clean and sanitary.)
First Aid Supplies (Accidents happen. Make sure you are prepared with these first aid supplies.)
You can also find some yummy snacks at the Dollar Tree for your next camping in Oregon adventure. The Dollar Tree is a handy place to shop on a budget when you are heading out on your camping adventures.
Where to find Sites for Camping in Oregon?
Now that you know what to take camping with you, it’s time to start planning your trip! Are you wondering where to find sties for camping in Oregon? A while back, I posted a great list of the best campgrounds in Oregon for kids. I love these campgrounds because they are mostly very resort like. I don’t know about you, but I love taking a good resort vacation on a camping budget.