easiest halloween treats on wood frame with text
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Easiest Halloween Rice Krispie Treats

Are you looking for the easiest Halloween treats you can possibly make? You may have just found them. I know I have mentioned this before, but I am painfully uncreative and I did these ones all on my own. Guess what else? I got tons of compliments on these easy Halloween treats.

halloween goodies

Not only are these the easiest Halloween treats, but they are also the perfect treats to have for your kids Halloween party. Or to hand out to neighbors and family.

What do I need to make the Easiest Halloween Treats?

Okay, remember that I said these are going to be the easiest Halloween treats? I wasn’t kidding. I am not messing around with cooking or baking anything. The most I was willing to do was mix up some colorful frosting and unwrap some previously made treats. Yeah, that easy!

rice krispie halloween treat ingredients

Here is the list of what was needed to make the easiest Halloween treats ever:

For the record, I bought everything at Walmart, but I linked to everything at Amazon in case you are like me and would rather shop from your sofa. I happened to need to go to Walmart and buy some super boring stuff like dish soap and diapers, so I thought I would grab some fun stuff at the same time. Isn’t being an adult so much fun?

How to make the Easiest Halloween Treats

Oh my goodness you guys, these treats are so easy it’s ridiculous and hey…they might not be Pinterest-worthy, but I think they are pretty cute. Plus, my kids couldn’t stop complimenting me. That made it worth it!

colored frosting
  • Start by creating your colorful frosting in separate bowls (for the record, you can thank my amazing elementary school teachers for the lesson in color creations haha)
    • Orange – several drops each of red and yellow food coloring
    • Purple – several drops each of blue and red food coloring
    • Green – Several drops each of yellow and blue food coloring
  • Unwrap those packaged rice krispie treats, oh yes…we are adding this to the directions. We have to acknowledge all the work we put in. I’ve got your back, my friends.
frosted rice krispie treats
  • With a frosting spatula or butter knife (or whatever you want really,) start spreading that frosting on top of each treat! P.S. Do you like my spatulas? My baby girl bought those for me last Christmas, they are Pioneer Woman and they are awesome.
  • It’s time to grab the cookie icing and candy eyeballs and create your face of choice! Or, don’t draw a face at all (look at my purple treat above. .. I still don’t know what that is, but it looks cool and a little creepy with an eyeball in the middle! 🙂

So, what do you think? Are these the easiest Halloween treats you have ever made? Let me know how it goes!

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